The USAID Defeat TB is a five-year project (2017- 2022) funded through a cooperative agreement between University Research Council (URC) and USAID; with sub-grantees including JCRC since 2019. The overall objective of the project is to support Uganda, identify 90% of the patients with TB and ensure that 90% of the TB patients are successfully treated.
JCRC is responsible for strengthening the community TB continuum of care in Kajansi and Katabi Town Councils of Wakiso District in central Uganda. It does collaborate with 5 Diagnostic and Treatment Units (DTUs) to support them conduct Community TB Interventions; these are.
- 1-Hospital-Kisubi Hospital
- 3-Health Center IIIs –Wagagai HC III, Nakawuka HC III & Kajansi HC III
- Health Center II-Cherish Medical Center
The project team is utilizing program optimization approaches (POA) and innovations like Results-Based Financing (RBF) and Patient-Led Contact Investigation to ensure that the project objectives are achieved. Fig 01 shows a cascade for one of the community TB interventions.
Fig 01: JCRC/Defeat TB’s Cascade for TB Screening in Communities for 2020